Take a Deep Breath…

quill and qwerty

…squint shut your eyes, and hit “send”. And there goes the essay, out into cyberspace:

“MGM, Disney and Warner – Oh My!”:

The Fairy Tale Film Adaptations of The Wizard of Oz, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, and Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

Very well, one more paper in the bag. Breathe for a couple of days, then on to the next thing: Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty. “Bippety-boppety-bop”, “I waltzed with you once upon a dream”, and so on. My local library has 169 items in their catalogue under the keyword “Cinderella”. One-hundred-and-sixty-freakin’-NINE!!

I think it’s bedtime.

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About howdowefeedtheworldsstarving

Writing a non- fiction study How do we feed the world's starving. Published The end of Humanity and have four books to publish.
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2 Responses to Take a Deep Breath…

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